Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Vacancy as Store Head Traineer

Perusahaan ritel di Jawa Barat yang bergerak di bidang minimarket dengan komitmen memberikan kemudahan dan pelayanan terbaik bagi konsumen, mengajak anda untuk bergabung dan bersama kami dalam posisi :

* Pria/Wanita, belum menikah, usia maks 27 thn
* Pendidikan min. D3 semua jurusan (Fresh Graduate are welcome)
* Berpenampilan menarik & ramah
* Bersedia kerja shift, bekerja di hari Minggu / hari libur nasional
* Bersedia menjalani masa ikatan dinas selama 1 tahun
* Untuk penempatan : Bogor, Cianjur, Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, Bandung,Tasik, Garut, Ciamis, Pangandaran, Banjar, Sukabumi, Purwakarta, Subang, Jakarta, & Surabaya

Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap & foto berwarna terbaru berukuran 4X6 ke :
HRD PT. Yomart Rukun Selalu
Jl. Jakarta No. 53 Bandung
recruitment@ yomart-minimarke t.com
(Sertakan kode posisi pada sudut kanan atas lamaran anda atau pada judul/subyek email anda)


Sales Marketing, Cashier/Accounting, and Office Boy

Kami sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang graphic design & digital printing di wilayah Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan. membutuhkan tenaga :

1. Sales Marketing
Umur : 21 - 28 tahun
Pendidikan Minimal SMA , S1 lebih diutamakan

2. Cashier / Akunting
Umur : 21 - 28 tahun
Pendidikan Minimal SMA , S1 lebih diutamakan

3, Office Boy
Umur : 21 - 28 tahun
Bertempat tinggal di sekitar wilayah Buncit, Mampang lebih diutamakan.

segera kirimkan lamaran anda sebelum tanggal 2 July 2009 melalui email ke :
studiozpo@yahoo. com


UNION SAMPOERNA TRIPUTRA PERSADA, bergerak di bidang perkebunan dan pengolahan kelapa sawit, mencari professional yang ahli dan berpengalaman di bidangnya, memiliki integritas yang kuat serta mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi dalam berprestasi
untuk menempati beberapa posisi:

Base Penempatan di Head Office - Jakarta

HRD Manager (HRD-M). S1

Psikologi/manajemen t/Hukum, min. pengalaman 3 tahun di posisi yang sama.
Mengerti undang-undang ketenaga kerjaan. Familiar dengan HR Strategy, Performance Management, Key Performance Indicator, Competency base HR management, Workload Analysis, Recruitment, Training & Development, Assesment Centre, sistem personalia, Pembuatan Jobdesk, Salary strukture dan Reward Management.

HRD Officer (HRD-O).
S1 Psikologi/manajemen t, min. pengalaman 2 tahun. Memahami Proses Recruitment &
Training, Assesment Center, sistem personalia, Performance Management serta mampu membuat jobdesk.

General Services Officer (GSO).
S1 Semua jurusan. min. pengalaman 1 tahun. Di utamakan Laki-laki. Pernah menangani aset
management/office management, bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas keluar kota.

Procurement Manager (PM).
S1 Teknik Industri, min. pengalaman 3 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Memahami supplay chain management, vendor management, logistic management, inventory management dan export - import system.

Infrastructure Manager (IM).
S1 Teknik Sipil, min. pengalaman 3
tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Memiliki skill di bidang konstruksi bangunan perumahan & gedung, konstuksi jalan & jembatan, mekanik kendaraan & alat berat, instalasi electrical. Mampu menggunakan AutoCad dan GPS.

General Services Manager (GSM).
S1 Semua jurusan, min. pengalaman 3 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa
sawit. Berpengalaman dalam menangani office & building management, perijinan tenaga kerja asing, legalitas dokumen perusahaan, asset management dan fasilitas umum kantor/perusahaan.

IT Developer (ITD).
S1 Ilmu Komputer, min. pengalaman 1 tahun, mampu membuat program dan pengembangan
program, menguasai bahasa pemograman seperti visual basic, C++, . Net, Javascrib, Oracle Ms QL Server.

Sekretaris Director (SD).
D3 Sekretaris, min. pengalaman 4 tahun. Mampu menggunakan Microsoft Office.
Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu berkomunkasi secara efektif. Memiliki integritas dan kemampuan mengorganisir pekerjaan yang baik.

Base Penempatan di Kalimantan

Mill Manager (MM).
S1 Teknik Mesin, min. pengalaman 3 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Mampu melakukan pengembangan/ perbaikan design proses pengolahan kelapa sawit. Mampu mengontrol & meningkatkan kinerja operasional Pabrik Kelapa Sawit.

Kepala Kebun (KK).
S1 Pertanian-Agronomi, min pengalaman 2 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit, memahami mengenai KKPA dan peraturan pemerintah daerah.

Ka. Teknik (KT-SITE).
S1 Teknik Sipil, min. pengalaman 2 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Mampu melakukan kontrol terhadap perbaikan/perawatan mesin kendaraan alat berat dan kendaraan, mampu membuat design dan estimasi biaya pembangunan infrastruktur jalan, bangunan serta realisasi pelaksanaannya.

D3 Management, Hukum, min. pengalaman 2 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Mengetahui administrasi personalia, jamsostek dan payroll.

Community Development (CD).
S1 semua jurusan, min pengalaman 3 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Mengetahui dan berpengalaman dalam program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Memiliki leadership yang kuat dan komunikasi massa yang efektif.

Asst. Keuangan (AK-SITE)
D3 Akuntansi atau jurusan yang berhubungan. min. pengalaman 2 tahun, diutamakan dari perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Menguasai kemampuan dasar akuntasi.

Chief of Security (COS).
Berpengalaman menjabat di posisi yang sama/sejenis minimal 5 tahun. Memiliki hubungan yang luas dengan aparat terkait dan pejabat yang berwenang. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi massa yang baik dan leadership yang kuat. Coverage area operasi di Kalimantan.

Dokter Umum (DU).
Berpengalaman menjabat di posisi yang sama minimal 3-4 tahun, sudah melaksanakan program PTP. Coverage area operasi di Kalimantan.

Lamaran, CV lengkap dan Photo terbaru kirim ke:

Menara Karya 6th Floor, Jl
HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5, Kav 1-2 Jakarta 12950
Or Email : recruitment_ hrd@ustp. co.id
CC :
ustprecruitment@ yahoo.co. id
evano.koagouw@ ustp.co.id
Cantumkan Kode lamaran di Subject
email atau sudut kiri amplop


AYTB, a leading general trade company, opens vacancies for their company in Saudi Arabia;
1. Room Boy for Housekeeping 10 Nos.
2. Laundry men 6 Nos.
3. Kitchen Helpers (Catering) 12 Nos.
4. Cooks 2 Nos.
5. Driver 3 Nos.

Terms & Conditions:
a. Contract : 2 yrs
c. Working hours : 8 hours
d. Working days : 6 days
e. Over Time : 1.5x hourly rate
f. Food Allowance : Provided
g. Accommodation : Provided
h. Medication : Provided
i. Leave : 21 days after 18 months (Paid)
j. Air ticket : Provided (Return)
k. Location : Saudi

If you feel you are match with above positions, you are welcome to send CV in MS Word, not more than 300kb to arthur@totaldata. co.id

Please put position desired in your email subject. We are sorry, only shortlist candidates will be notified.

For more info's, please call us at:

PT. Totaldata Persada
021-8477689, 021-84994728. Attn.: Ms. Dika/Ms. Eva


* Sarjana S1 Teknik Industri / S1 Psikologi, IPK Minimal 3,00
* Fresh Graduate / Mempunyai pengalaman 0-1 tahun di bidang SDM/HRD
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan/tulisan
* TOEFL minimal 450
* Laki-laki, maksimal 25 tahun
Syarat umum:
* Menguasai MS Office
* Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat Cilegon dan ke proyek-proyek PT. KE
* Bersedia menjadi karyawan kontrak Â

Kirim lamaran, CV, foto, ijazah, transkrip, dan sertifikat yang mendukung,
serta cantumkan gaji yang diinginkan ke:sdm@krakataueng. co.id

Job Vacancy at Aston Primera Pasteur Bandung

Aston Primera Pasteur Hotel & Conference Center - Bandung , is currently looking for qualified candidates to fill the position of :

1. Financial Controller
2. Chief Accounting
3. Chinese Chef

General Requirement :

1. Min.2 years experience in same field
2. Fluent in English, excellent communication
3. Good personality & appearance

Please send your application letter along with your detailed CV and recent photograph to email :
gmsecretary@ astonpasteur.com

Monday, June 29, 2009

Lowongan Sebagai Customer Service

Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang fotografi berlokasi di Jakarta
membuka lowongan sebagai Customer Service dengan kualifikasi sebagai
berikut :
  1. Perempuan, belum menikah, berusia 20-30 tahun
  2. Pendidikan terakhir minimal D1
  3. Mampu mengaplikasikan program komputer Microsoft Office terutama Word dan Excel
  4. Mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru
  5. Dapat berbicara bahasa inggris
Bagi yang berminat silakan mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV serta foto melalui email ke recruitment@oktagon.co. id

Lowongan Java Game Developer, Salary Nego

Lowongan JAVA Programmer (1 Permanent Position)

Our client is a world class experienced team of IT professionals, industry leading software house and excellent provider with international affiliate relationships. Currently seeks to grow our team with the following Full Time Position:

JAVA Programmer
Office Location: Senayan, Jakarta.
1. Male/Female, max 30 y.o. per 31 December 2009
2. Indonesian Nationality, preferable Jakarta commuter (live in or around jakarta)
3. Experienced in Java Game Programming, min 2 year experience
4. Used to hand coding using netbean, notepad++ or similar.
5. Experienced in creating games
6. Knowledge the Symbian Standards and usage
7. Able to work in a team
8. Able to work based on project timeline
9. Minimum commands in English oral and written
10. Knowledge in Sony Ericsson Capuchine and other programming language is a plus
11. Fresh graduate with required experienced are welcome to apply
12. Project Management knowledge is a plus
13. SMK/SMU/Institute/ any other school with required experiences are welcome to apply

Negotiable, based on experience(s) .

Further Requirements:
* Portfolio
* Reference from clients/companies( if any)
* Ready to work A.S.A.P.

Please send:
1. Your CV+Photo
2. Required Salary
3. Email to php@indogawe. com, as soon as possible. This offer expires on June 30, 2009, 23:59 WIB.

Our client open opportunities with SMK/Institute for cooperation, trainings and grants for brilliants students in IT. Please email details with proposed details to cooperations@ indogawe. com anytime.



Sinarmas Sekuritas, PT To support our business, we are currently inviting talents who seeks for new challenge to apply for:

Marketing Officer (Sukabumi)

Requirements :
Female / MaleMin.
D3 Graduated from any majorMin.
Have experience in Banking or InsuranceGood
Communication & Influencing SkillHave a good network

Main responsibilities:
Marketing activities to prospective customers Maintaining existing accounts

Benefit :

Fixed salary plus incentive program

Interested candidates are welcome to send the comprehensive resume together with your current photograph indicating position code (MO) on the subject line, to:
hans@sinarmassekuri tas.co.id

Sinarmas Sekuritas, PT ( Sukabumi Branch )

Gedung Bank Sinarmas, 3rd Floor
Jl. Ahmad Yani No.235
Sukabumi 43112
Telp : ( 0266 - 229318 )

WALK IN INTERVIEW JULI 2009 : Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

PT. Global Natural Resources adalah salah satu group perusahaan baru di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit, direncanakan luas areal yang dikelola adalah 100.000 hektar dimana 40.000 hektar berlokasi di Kabupaten Landak - Kalimantan Barat dan 60.000 hektar berlokasi di Kabupaten Kutai Barat - Kalimantan Timur. Operasional perusahaan saat ini dalam tahap pembibitan dan land clearing. Untuk pembukaan kebun di Kabupaten Kutai Barat - Kalimantan Timur kami membutuhkan beberapa posisi sebagai berikut :

Kami berencana mengadakan WALK IN INTERVIEW yang bertempat di Samarinda atau Balikpapan pada bulan JULI 2009. Bagi yang berminat harap mengirimkan data-data sebagai berikut :

1. NAMA :

data-data tersebut di atas harap dikirimkan ke alamat email : seno@naturalresourc es.co.id cc hendri.ratoe@ naturalresources .co.id

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil interview.

Flash Opportunity at Lumire hotel

Lumire Hotel & Convention Center, 328 rooms & 13 meeting rooms, is currently welcoming applications for the following positions:

Creative Manager
Public Relations Manager
Assistant Front Office Manager
Account Manager/ Sales Manager
Front Desk Agent
Guest Relation Officer
Engineering Technician
General Requirements:
  • Having at least 2 years experience in related positions preferably in 4 - 5 star hotels
  • Good command of English, both spoken and written
  • Good Leadership skill
  • Computer Literate
  • Honest and Hard Worker
  • Able to work in a Team
  • Flexible working hours
Please address your interest by sending your CV with recent photograph to:
Human Resources Manager
Lumire hotel & convention center
Jalan Senen Raya No. 135 Jakarta 10410
Tel. 344 2828 Fax 344 2929
Email: yunus.supriharto@ lumirehotel. com

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Urgently needed: MANAGING DIRECTOR

Our client, a book publisher in Indonesia, is currently seeking to employ a high-caliber professional like you to be its:

Managing Director (MD-Pub)

· Coordinating and commanding the book-publishing activities
· Representing the publisher on the meetings with related parties
· Representing the publisher in communicating with international and or national institutions
· Making sure of the well running of the secretariat, administration and data administration to serve as reference in the decision making

· Preferably 28 - 32 years old, FEMALE candidates are strongly encouraged
· Single
· S2 in Management or any discipline
· Good-looking, appearing strong and firm
· Extensive experience in Media/Publisher; at least the last 3 years of which as a Manager or even General Manager
· Outstanding spoken and written English (no compromise)


· Compensation & Benefit package will commensurate with competencies and experience

Please email your application letter (max 150KB), quoting "MD-Pub" in the subject, no later than Monday, 22 June 2009 to

Recruitment Coordinator
Bangun Tunggal Consulting www.banguntunggal.com

Email: CV@banguntunggal.com

- Only qualified candidates will be called for interviews.
- Application without the code in the subject will be read much later
- Email more than 200KB may directly be deleted from the server

Lowongan untuk receptionist/ administrasi

Sebuah perusahaan Boiler / Pressure Vessel berlokasi di Jakarta Timur mencari tenaga RECEPTIONIST / ADMINISTRASI , syarat-syarat :
1. Wanita berusia maximum 22 tahun
2. Pendidikan minimum D1
3. Bertempat tinggal di Jakarta Timur atau Bekasi Barat
4. Mampu mengoperasikan microsoft office

Bagi yang berminat dapat dapat mengirimkan CV ke alamat email : dby.0503@gmail. com

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Vacancy as Public Relation

Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang fotografi berlokasi di Jakarta membuka lowongan untuk posisi Public Relation dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
  1. Pria, belum menikah, berusia antar 20-30 tahun
  2. Pendidikan terakhir minimal D3
  3. Berpengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang marketing atau public relation
  4. Memiliki keterampilan dibidang fotografi
  5. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan aplikasi software Microsoft Office
  6. Memahami dunia seni dan design (fotografi)
  7. Mampu membina relasi
Silakan kirim surat lamaran, CV serta foto lewat email ke recruitment@oktagon.co.id


Dibutuhkan segera SUPIR / DRIVER

Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

- Laki-laki usia 25 s/d 35 tahun
- Rapih, Jujur dan Sopan
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Menguasai jalan-jalan di JABOTABEK
- Pengalaman minimal 2 (dua) tahun
- Bersedia tinggal di dalam (In House)

Lamaran lengkap (surat lamaran, riwayat hidup, copy KTP, copy SIM, photo berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6) harap ditujukan ke bagian:

HRD Department
Jakarta 10220A, Indonesia

Lowongan Teknisi Komputer

iPT Binatama HR Solutions

Teknisi komputer

Tanggung jawab:

Mengatasi Trouble shooting,LAN / WAN dan Koneksi Internet,

Kandidat min D1 Manajemen Informatika / Teknik Komputer
Pengalaman Minimal 2 Tahun pengetahuan menangani komputer
Mempunyai motor dan sim c
Terbiasa menghadapi masalah Modem Internet dengan baik
Bersedia kerja di lapangan
Dapat bekerja berdasarkan diabawah tekanan dan tepat waktu.
If you meet the requirements, please send your CV and recent photograph to (max 150 KB):

Attention: Human Resources Department

Ratu plaza Office Tower 27th Floor
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 9
Jakarta 10270
Hubungi : 2702456


A Polyurethane System House Companies in Jakarta has immediate vacancies for the following positions

1.Female Only
2.Max 35 years old
3.Min. Diploma from any major
4.Minimum 2 years experience as Chemical Sales
5.Fluent in English and Mandarin languages
6.Familiar with marketing and strategic promotion
7.Persuasive with excellent overall communication skills
8.Have good appearance, discipline, and energetic
9.Highly motivated with strong commitment
10.Positive attitude, honest, and responsible

If you are the one we're looking for, please send your application letter and comprehensive CV to resume @ prestigeindonesia. com (resume at prestigeindonesia dot com), Phone: (021) 5367-8888

Friday, June 26, 2009

Finance Assistant dan TAM Field Officer di PT AGB Nielsen M

If you are passionate with the Television & Entertainment Business; and you find yourself energetic, easy going, a team player, systematic and diligent with high curiosity to provide valuable insights. Join our dynamic team!

Finance Assistant (1 posisi) - KODE: FIN
  • v Minimal D-3 Accounting
  • v Wanita, usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • v Lebih disukai jika sudah berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun
  • v Menguasai A/R dan Collection system
  • v Menguasai komputer MS Word, Excel dan Access
  • v Menyukai pekerjaan administrasi rutin dan detail
  • v Memiliki ketelitian dan daya tahan menghadapi deadline yang ketat
TAM Field Officer (2 posisi) KODE: TFO
  • Minimal Lulusan SMK Teknologi / STM Jurusan Audio Video / Elektronika, D3/Politeknik Elektronika
  • Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
  • Pengalaman minimal 1 (satu) tahun di bidang service peralatan audio video (fresah graduate diperbolehkan untuk melamar)
  • Terampil dalam hal instalasi, setting peralatan, maintenance dan perbaikan peralatan audio video
  • Bersedia bekerja di lapangan
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja sama dalam team
  • Memiliki ketelitian dan daya tahan menghadapi deadline yang ketat
Internship/Magang - Data Entry (3 posisi - untuk masa kerja 1 bulan) KODE: DE
  • Mahasiswa S-1 semester terakhir/fresh graduate dari semua jurusan
  • Menguasai komputer MS Word, Excel
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja sama dalam team
  • Memiliki ketelitian dan daya tahan menghadapi deadline yang ketat
Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, silahkan kirimkan Curriculum Vitae, Surat Lamaran,

Fotokopi KTP, Fotokopi ijazah dan Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik, ditujukan kepada:

HRD Department
PT AGB Nielsen Media Research Indonesia
Mayapada Tower Lt.17
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 28
Jakarta 12920

Cantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar di sudut kanan amplop.
atau melalui email ke
recruitment@ id.agbnielsen. net

Cantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar di email subject. Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 03 Juli 2009

Lowongan Marketing Asuransi Jiwa

Kami Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Berskala International dan Produk Asuransi Terlaris di Indonesia, Membutuhkan :

Marketing Asuransi
(Part Time dan Full Time)

Reward yang didapat:
1. Base On Komisi dgn Pendapatan bisa sampai 100jt/bln
2. Bonus Tahunan
3. Jalan - jalan ke Luar Negeri
4. Jenjang Karir yang Pasti

Syarat :
1. Minimal D3/ Semester 6 semua jurusan
2. Pria/wanita Max 45 thn
3. Menyukai Pekerjaan di lapangan
4. Memiliki Kebiasaan Pekerja keras, daya Analisa Bisnis yang kuat
5. Memiliki Inisiatif dan Jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat.
6. Siap utk dididik sbg Sales force Commercial
7. Berwawasan luas, bertanggung jawab, disiplin.

Kirim CV ke :
enTRpreneur$ Agency
Menara Standard Chartered Lt.33
Jl.Prof.Dr.Satrio No.164 Jakarta
Recruitment@ enTRpreneurs. co.id
Telp : 021- 25532900
Ningrum (Recruitment)

Lowongan Sekretaris

Dibutuhkan cepat : Sekretaris


Pendidikan D3/ S1 Accounting/ Ekonomi/Sekretar is
Bahasa Inggris tulisan dan lisan
Bisa mengoperasikan komputer Ms.Office, Excel, Power Point

Lamaran di terima paling lambat tgl.26 Juni 2009
Kirimkan Lamaran By email : ekapertiwi@walinusa .com



As an International Drilling Contractor, we operate many rigs to drill wells in many places in Indonesia. To support our expanding operations in Indonesia, Apexindo is looking for talented Indonesian nationals to fill in the following positions.

Tour pusher / Day pusher (1 vacant)
General Specification:
  • Maximum 40 years old
  • Able to work under pressure & by shift
  • Good team player
  • Proficiency in English (written & oral)
  • Minimum High School graduates or Equivalent; Diploma or bachelor degree is preferable.
  • 5 years experiences in oil & gas industry
  • Willing to be placed in any areas/province/ country where the project operate
Technical Specification:
  • Familiar with 2000 HP Rig and above as well as electronic Top Drive and Drilling Instrumentation
  • Technical knowledge in drilling equipment & drilling process for offshore/onshore
  • Understand the Legislative safe work practice knowledge
Additional Specification:
  • Thorough knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Thorough knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Able to perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner and in accordance with Company Policy and good rig husbandry
Required Certification:

* IWCF/IADC certification
* MIGAS certification
* H2S certification
* First Aid
* Fire Fighting
* BOSET & HUET (offshore drilling)
* Sea Survival (offshore drilling)
* Basic Drilling Principles & Equipment

Driller (2 vacant)

  • Technical knowledge in drilling equipment & drilling process for offshore / onshore
  • Have a thorough knowledge of rig emergency signals and procedures
  • Have a thorough knowledge of hand signals and safe working procedures for equipment handling
  • Perform assigned duties in a safe efficient manner in accordance with Company Policy and good rig husbandry
  • Legislative safe work practice knowledge
  • Able to work under pressure & by shift
  • Proficiency in English (written & oral)
  • Minimum 3 years in the similar position And in Oil & Gas Industry
  • Minimum High School graduates or Equivalent; Diploma or bachelordegree is preferable.

* Juru Bor, Migas Certification
* H2S
* Banksman Slinging
* First Aid
* Fire Fighting
* Boset & Huet ( offshore drilling)
* Sea Survival (offshore drilling)
* Basic Drilling Principles & Equipment
* HSE Induction
* Confined Space Entry
* Emergency Response
* Quality Management System Overview
* Safety Leadership
* HSE Observation Program
* Gas Testing
* Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply.
Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email.
Send your application and CV not later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement to: alex.herianto@ apexindo. com
Please applying before July 15, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Vacancy QC & Stockpile

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Pertambangan Biji Besi berlokasi di Kalimantan Selatan,
saat ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional dan memiliki dedikasi tinggi untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :

QC & Stockpile Supervisor (Code: QCSS)

Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan S1 Teknik Kimia / Teknik Geologi pertambangan
  • Pria, usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
  • Menguasai :
Ø Pemahaman akan material mineral
Ø Proses kimiawi untuk quality control
Ø Blending material mineral
  • Memiliki jiwa leadership yang baik
  • Memiliki semangat pantang menyerah
  • Disiplin dan bertanggung jawab
Foreman QC & Stockpile (Code: FQCS)

Kualifikasi :
  • Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik Geologi Pertambangan
  • Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
  • Menguasai :
Ø Operasional computer dan perhitungan stock material
Ø Dasar-dasar blending material
  • Komunikatif, Aktif, Sabar dan memiliki kemauan belajartinggi
  • Mampu bekerja sama dalam team
Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, segera kirim CV dan pas foto terbaru melalui email dengan
mencantumkan kode posisi pada subject e-mail ke : hr.recruitment@sebukuiron.co.id

Accounting Staff - fresh graduate

Kami adalah principle dan distributor consumer good untuk produk-produk Personal Care.

Produk kami yang saat ini sedang berkembang pasat adalah: Sixsence, Ja hwa, For Him, Victoria, Nuface-facial mask, dll.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga professional untuk mengisi beberapa posisi dalam perusahaan kami.

Accounting Staff (fresh graduate)
1. Pria/Wanita maksimal 25 tahun
2. Pendidikan D3 / S1 Accounting
3. Mau belajar dan suka bekerja keras
4. Menguasai program microsoft excel dengan baik
5. Bersedia bekerja lembur

Kirim CV anda ke alamat: sgt@3s.co.id

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vacancy for Project Control

PT. PROSYS BANGUN PERSADA is a leading Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, Construction and Properties is growing very fast in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction area, currently searching for highly
qualified candidate for the following position:

1 . Project Control

  1. Minimum Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering From Reputable University
  2. Having Experience at least 5-10 years in Oil & Gas or Industrial Plant Project
  3. Very good knowledge of english both written and oral.
  4. PC Literate with Microsoft Office and other computer programs
if you meet the requirement above please send your complete CV to: recruitment@prosys.co.id

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vacancy Sr. Piping PDMS Designer

Sr. Piping PDMS Designer

Having minimum 10 years experience in lay out for oil and gas industry (preferably offshore)
Having minimum 5 years experience with PDMS software
Having experience in piping design and use of PDMS version 11.6.
Must also be capable of producing Plant Layout GA's, MTO's, and ISO's from the model as well as detailing Pipe supports utilizing AutoCAD
Shall possess good communication skills in English language
Ensure all designs and drawings are correct according to specifications and internationals standard codes
Preferably local candiate (Indonesian)

Please submit your application and put the code of the position that you apply with attention to: pamugari_w@yahoo. com

Monday, June 22, 2009

Customer Service

As the one of the largest direct selling company in the world with operations in more than 47 international markets throughout the Americas, the Asia Pacific Region and Europe. Nu Skin Enterprises is focused on the person to person distributionand sale premium quality of personal care products, nutritional supplement and technology products. Please visit http://www.nuskinenterprises.com for detail.

It’s Indonesia’s operation is currently seeking a young, energic person for the position of to placed in 1 (one) in Medan and 2 ( two) in Jakarta

DSR – Distributor Support Representatives
Required qualifications and skills :
  • University Degree or DiplomeDegree
  • Good English Skill and excellence local language
  • Pleasant personality with good interpersonal skill and a team player
  • Ability to work in a result oriented atmosphere under pressure and meeting tight deadlines as flexible working hours maybe required
  • Honest
  • Ability to provide superb customer service and resolve problem independently under the company guidelines
  • Self-motivated and attentive to details with strong initiative
  • Good computer literacy (Word, Excel. Powerpoint)
  • Well groom and manner
  • Required to travel as needed basis
  • Understand local culture
Key Job Functions:
  • Handle on customers inquiries.
  • Order Processing.
  • Generate all reports needed on the daily basis.
  • Perform any other work-related tasks or projects as assigned.
Please send your CV and recent photo to zuazmi@nuskin.com or
Nu Skin Indonesia
BRI Center Park, 9thFloor, CP 906
Jl. Jend. SudirmanKav42- 44, Jakarta 10210

The deadline is June 26, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Vacancy: Civil Engineer

Vacancy for Civil Engineer Position, with the following criteria:

1. Male not more than 28 years old / Fresh graduate will be very welcome
2. Strong English comprehension (this is mandatory, average English will not be considered)
3. Graduate from Civil Engineering
4. Willing to travel to remote project sites

Interested candidates please send your CV + Application letter in Ms. Word / PDF format (not more than 500KB) to: nur@rayhan.co.id

Vacancy oil and gas company

A Fast Growing Oil and Gas Company is looking for a Secretary, Admin and Receptionist.
The candidates should fulfilled the following qualification:


* Able to operate computer (Microsoft Office)
* Responsible person with high standar accuracy, self motivated and fast learner
* Good communication and interpersonal skills
* The incumbents shall have secretary basic school or intensive courses from reputable colleges.
* Intelligence persons, self-motivated, and hard working type.
* Minimum of 1 year experience in the same jobs.
* Trusted person with the highest standard to the code of conduct
* Proficient in English, both spoken and written
* Minimum of a Diploma Degree in Administration or Secretary D-III or S1
- Single, Female, Max 29 years old

Should you be interested to apply for the above position, please send your application, latest CV, including photograph stating your *current and expected salary* with the position title as the email subject to:
info@nusamenergy. com

Only short-listed candidates shall be invited for an interview.

PHP Programmer at PT Luxindo Internusa

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pakan ternak sedang menggarap project Sistem Informasi internal. Kami membutuhkan Programmer dengan kriteria sbb:
  • Pria usia 20 s/d 35 th
  • Menguasai dan mahir PHP, Javascript, MySQL,
  • Bersedia tinggal di tempat yang kami disediakan,
  • Bersedia masuk dan berkerja dalam waktu dekat terhitung dari lowongan ini.
Job Location : Bantar Gebang, Bekasi
Job TYpe : Full time/contract
Salary : Not Specified / Negotiable

kirimkan cv anda dengan subject "CV PHP Programer" ke alamat
angga.purwana@global2solve. com, cc ke acep.rahmat@global2solve.com

pelamar yg memenuhi syarat akan langsung dipanggil dalam waktu dekat untuk mengikuti tes tertulis:
Algoritma (sorting, bilangan prima,dsb), MySQL query, Sistem Informasi, dll. (harap pelajari sendiri)


PT Luxindo Internusa (Global Group).
Jalan Narogong desa Cikiwul Bekasi.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Vacancy Structure Engineer

TECHNIP is a leading provider of Engineering, Technologies and Construction services for oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries; with its 22,000 people worldwide and annual revenues of almost 7 billion euros. TECHNIP has been ranked by American Engineering Weekly in its 2007 list of "Top 225 International Contractors" as 1st for the World Industrial / Petroleum Market.

In Asia-Pacific, Technip has been present for more than 20 years. As part of its expansion in Asia-Pacific, Technip established a subsidiary in Indonesia: PT. Technip Indonesia (PTTI), which services the Indonesian Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and General Industrial sectors. PTTI covers offshore and onshore field development, gas processing and liquefaction, refining and onshore pipelines. In non-oil sectors, PTTI covers fertilizers, chemicals, cement, life sciences, power generation and other growth market industries.

As part of our business expansion in Indonesia, we are seeking highly qualified professionals to fill in position listed below:

1. Sr. Structural Engineers - min 8 years exp
2. Structure Engineers - min 3 -4 years exp
3. Sr. Civil Engineers - min 8 years
4. Civil Engineers min 3- 4 years
5. Legal Officer min 2 -3 years
6. Contract Engineer min 7 years

Interested applicants should submit the application letter and CV to hrd.indo@technip.com with detailed resume and recent photograph; and put the "position you'll interest on the subject email.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Daewoo E&C invite young, dynamic and self motivated persons to joint in their Integrated Oil & Gas Project in NIGERIA.

1. Piping Engineer (Male) 5 Nos.
2. Piping Supervisor 4
3. Pipe Fitter 20
4. Welder; Duplex & SS 20
5. Driver 3

Candidates must have background in Oil & Gas Plant Piping field at least 5 yrs experiences, Computer literate, Access is an advantage. English is a must. (Engineers & Supervisor). Interview on June 25, 2009 in BLK Serang. Jl. Raya Pandeglang Km3.

Telp. 0254-200160. 09.00 wib - finish
If you feel you are match with above positions, you are welcome to send CV in MS Word,
not more than 300kb to arthur@totaldata. co.id

Please put position desired in your email subject. We are sorry, only shortlist candidates will be notified.

For more info's, please call us at:

PT. Totaldata Persada
021-8477689, 021-84994728. Attn.: Ms. Dika/Ms. Eva
Mr. Admin, thanks for the space.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

PHP Programmer

Sebuah Perusahaan Jasa Finance (perbankan) yang sedang berkembang di Jakarta Pusat, membutuhkan Programmer PHP dengan kualifikasi sbb :

• PHP. Expert.
• MySQL, SQL Server
• CSS styling
• Javascript
• Pengalaman 3 - 4 Tahun
• Bisa bekerja sendiri dan Team Work

Kirim CV dan foto terbaru, di subject cantumkan kode PHP. kirim via email ke
mark.eliasaputra@valdoinc.com atau
paling lambat 26 juni 2009.

Lowongan Programmer Banda Aceh

Dibutuhkan desktop dan web programmer:

Lokasi kerja : Banda Aceh

Pengalaman kerja : 1 tahun (terbuka untuk fresh graduate)

Persyaratan :Tidak sedang kuliahMenguasai minimal salah satu delphi / vb.net / asp.net / c#.netMenguasai php dan mysqlDapat bekerja team maupun peroranganMengerti konsep OOPMampu membuat aplikasi web, desktop (baik stand alone maupun client server)Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan mau belajar

Kirimkan lamaran beserta cv dan portfolio aplikasi yang pernah dibuat ke mitratec.net@ gmail.com (mohon mencantumkan gaji yang diinginkan), selambat-lambatnya tanggal 26 Juni 2009

HR Officer (for High End Magazine)

High End is the ultimate magazine for the exclusive international lifestylewithin MNC Group, we are now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as:

HR Officer (for High End Magazine)

In details, you will be in charge in:

Handling all function of HR job starting from hiring, training & development, performance management and employee relation.

To be a successful in the position, you will be:
  • Male/Female, max 28 years old
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree in psychology or law
  • Minimum 1 year of experience with exposure in Human Resources.
  • Having knowledge and experience in handling all function and process of HR
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
  • Fluent in English, Competent in Microsoft-Office and HR Applications
Please send your comprehensive resume not later than July 15, 2009 to:


Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lowongan Kepala Cabang (Micro Finance)

Klien kami, perusahaan yang bergerak dalam micro finance berskala nasional, membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk ditempatkan di seluruh cabang di Indonesia sebagai :

Kepala Cabang - Branch Operation Manager ( Kacab)

(Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Makassar & Kupang )


a. Menyusun program kerja & anggaran.
b. Melaksanakan rencana promosi usaha dan pemasaran sesuai dengan pedoman promosi usaha yang ditetapkan.
c. Mengelola produk-produk perkreditan dan jasa sesuai dengan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan, termasuk kegiatan yang mencakup :

1. Melakukan analisis dan penilaian yang menyeluruh atas permohonan kredit sehingga proses pelaksanaan dapat berjalan secara efektif dan efisien.
2. Mengidentifikasikan adanya masalah kualitas perkreditan yang potensial.
3. Memantau perkembangan usaha dan kegiatan rekening nasabah yang ditanganinya terutama yang berkaitan dengan penggunaannya.

d. Mengembangkan dan memelihara hubungan yang sehat dengan Mitra Kerja dan Nasabah.
e. Menghimpun dan mencari sumber dana baru dengan jalan mempromosikan produk dan jasa rupiah kepada Penyimpan Dana dan memantau hasil sesuai dengan rencananya.
f. Mengelola dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan operasional dan non operasional sehari-hari yang ada di bawahnya, termasuk kegiatan yang mencakup :

1. Pengecekan terus-menerus agar kondisi dan kecepatan kerja terpelihara sesuai dengan standard operating prosedure (SOP).
2. Memonitor bidang-bidang yang beresiko tinggi untuk menyakinkan bahwa kekayaan perusahaan selalu terjaga dan resiko selalu dapat dihindarkan.
3. Mengambil langkah-langkah penangkalan yang dilakukan untuk mencegah kebobolan dan penyalahgunaan bidang operasional.

g. Mengecek terus-menerus apakah kecepatan dan kondisi kerja terpelihara sesuai standard operating prosedure (SOP).
h. Membuat ukuran performansi dan sasaran setiap unit dan setiap bawahan serta memantau perkembangan dan mengambil tindakan korektif bila diperlukan.


· Pria/Wanita Pendidikan S1.
· Usia maksimal max. 35 tahun
· Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan kemampuan analisa yang baik
· Bisa computer (Internet dan MS-Office)
· Dapat berbahasa inggris aktif
· Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan target oriented
· Komunikatif dan persuasif
· Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di perusahaan Perbankan / BPR/Jasa Keuangan minimal 3 tahun
· Berpengalaman dalam mengkoordinir tim berjumlah 8-10 orang
· Memiliki portfolio dan Customerbase yang prospektif

Proses Seleksi Penyaringan

a.. Hanya yang masuk kualifikasi yang akan diundang untuk ikut proses seleksi
b.. Proses Seleksi diadakan dilokasi yang ditentukan setelah hasil penyaring data atau berkas
c.. Bersedia mengikuti semua proses seleksi yang diadakan oleh peyelenggara

Tata Cara Pengiriman:

Via Email:
Universal Synergy - Executive Search Consultant

1. Email:ust@cbn.net. id

a.. Menulis Posisi dan Daerah Penempatan di Subject Email Contoh: Kacab - Jakarta, Kacab - Medan Kacab - Palembang, Kacab - Bandung, Kacab - Surabaya, Kacab - Semarang, Kacab -Yogyakarta, Kacab - Banjarmasin, Kacab - Makassar, Kacab - Kupang
b.. Hanya CV yang dikirim tanpa ada lampiran file yang discan seperti Ijazah ataupun sertifikat.
c.. Maksimal 150 KB (Diusahakan tanpa photo)

2. Via Pos atau Kurir dengan alamat:

Universal Synergy - Executive Search Consultant
JDC Building, 6th Floor, Business Center
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Kav. 53, Jakarta 10260

· Harap mengirmkan lamaran lengkap, CV/ Resume, Photo dan Dokumen- Dokume Pendukung

· Menulis Posisi dan Daerah Penempatan di luar amplop Contoh: Kacab - Jakarta, Kacab - Medan Kacab - Palembang, Kacab - Bandung, Kacab - Surabaya, Kacab - Semarang, Kacab -Yogyakarta, Kacab - Banjarmasin, Kacab - Makassar, Kacab - Kupang

Vacancy at BANK SYARIAH Saudi Arabia

DGS HR SERVICES, salah satu konsultan SDM terdepan di Indonesia, saat ini klien kami yaitu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perbankan di SAUDI ARABIA, tengah dibutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja berpotensi, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dan semangat kerja yang besar di bidang perbankan untuk ditempatkan sebagai :



1. Pria dengan usia maksimal 30 tahun
2. Pendidikan Minimal S1 dengan IPK 2,75 segala jurusan
4. Lebih disukai jika mempunyai pengalaman sebagai teller di bidang perbankan syariah minimal 6 bulan
5. Berpenampilan bersih, menarik dan professional
6. Mempunyai tinggi badan minimal 170 cm dan berat badan proporsional
7. Mempunyai kemampuan interpersonal yang baik, komunikatif dan mandiri
8. Mempunyai orientasi terhadap pelanggan
9. Teliti dalam bekerja

Kompensasi dan benefit :

1. Gaji pokok dalam mata uang negara setempat ( Dalam rupiah setara dengan Rp 10.000.000.- per bulan)
2. Status kepegawaian kontrak langsung dengan klien.

Apabila anda berminat segera kirimkan lamaran dan pas foto berwarna terbaru ke yopie@dutagriyasarana.com dan miyanti@dutagriyasa rana.com paling lambat tanggal 27 Juni 2009.

Cantumkan jabatan yang anda lamar pada subject email anda ( TELLER ).

Miyanti D. Lestari
PT. Dutagriya Sarana

Vacancy - Senior Brand Manager in Danone Group

Our Client, Danone Group, a multinational company operating in more than 120 countries worldwide with strong position in manufacturing and marketing quality food and beverage products. To cope with our rapid growth and international expansion, we are looking for well-trained high potential professionals to potentially join our operation in Indonesia for the
following position :

Senior Brand Manager (SBM- DG)


. Full Brand Management responsibility of a major FMCG brand for
Indonesian market and management of Innovation projects in the same category
  • Get perfect understanding of consumer and market drivers, qualitatively and quantitatively. Identify and share key opportunities for driving brand growth.
  • Lead detailed business analyses on all aspects of the brand and recommend Action Plans in coordination with all departments of the company, sales, industrial, R&D etc.
  • Manage external partners (advertising & media agencies, PR agency, design developer, market research suppliers), national and international.
  • Monthly reporting of the brand performance with clear market and consumers KPIs
  • Develop and ensure perfect execution all year long brand initiatives plan that drive sales and support brand's strategy and challenge permanently the results of these initiatives.
  • Coach and develop a team of 2 junior managers.
  • Manage a marketing budget of several millions USD in an efficiency oriented spirit.
  • Hold min Bachelor Degree from a reputable university.
  • Working Experience of at least 5 years in major player of FMCG Industry managing very active brands in communication (TV) and new product development. Strategic development thinking ability and long term brand building vision will be essential in this position.
  • Experience needed on:
  1. local TV Advertising development
  2. concept development and testing
  3. consumer and market research quantitative tools
  4. management of brand Marketing team junior people
  5. product innovation or renovation project management
  • Well organized, meticulous, structured, disciplined
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English is a must
  • Fluid and well structured communication skills
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph via email to : cons-goods@sintesa- resourcing.com

Please put the position applied SBM - DG on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list & visit our website at www.sintesa-resourcing.com

Vacancy - Senior Brand Manager in Danone Group

Our Client, Danone Group, a multinational company operating in more than 120 countries worldwide with strong position in manufacturing and marketing quality food and beverage products. To cope with our rapid growth and international expansion, we are looking for well-trained high potential professionals to potentially join our operation in Indonesia for the
following position :

Senior Brand Manager (SBM- DG)


. Full Brand Management responsibility of a major FMCG brand for
Indonesian market and management of Innovation projects in the same category
  • Get perfect understanding of consumer and market drivers, qualitatively and quantitatively. Identify and share key opportunities for driving brand growth.
  • Lead detailed business analyses on all aspects of the brand and recommend Action Plans in coordination with all departments of the company, sales, industrial, R&D etc.
  • Manage external partners (advertising & media agencies, PR agency, design developer, market research suppliers), national and international.
  • Monthly reporting of the brand performance with clear market and consumers KPIs
  • Develop and ensure perfect execution all year long brand initiatives plan that drive sales and support brand's strategy and challenge permanently the results of these initiatives.
  • Coach and develop a team of 2 junior managers.
  • Manage a marketing budget of several millions USD in an efficiency oriented spirit.
  • Hold min Bachelor Degree from a reputable university.
  • Working Experience of at least 5 years in major player of FMCG Industry managing very active brands in communication (TV) and new product development. Strategic development thinking ability and long term brand building vision will be essential in this position.
  • Experience needed on:
  1. local TV Advertising development
  2. concept development and testing
  3. consumer and market research quantitative tools
  4. management of brand Marketing team junior people
  5. product innovation or renovation project management
  • Well organized, meticulous, structured, disciplined
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English is a must
  • Fluid and well structured communication skills
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph via email to : cons-goods@sintesa- resourcing.com

Please put the position applied SBM - DG on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list & visit our website at www.sintesa-resourcing.com

Vacancy as Expediter

Our client PMA Multinational EPCI Company looking for:


Bachelor degree in Engineering
Minimum 6 years experience in oil and gas project
Good negotiation and communication skills
Having knowledge of Master List and Local Contents
Experience in expediting materials.
Computer literate and good knowledge in SAP will be advantage
Must be willing to travel and be assigned to site.
Shall possess good communication skills in English language.

Please submit your application and put the code of the position that you apply with attention to: pamugari_w@yahoo. com

Oilfield Service Salesman & Secretary / Receptionist

We are dynamic and fast growing Oil and Gas Services Company locate in South
Jakarta, looking for professionals for several position:

1. Oilfield Service Salesman


* Male, S1 Engineer from Reputable University

* Minimum 5 yrs Experience in the same field

* Able to work independent as well as in a team

* Good communication in English both written and oral

* Computer literate (MS, Office, AutoCAD)

2. Secretary / Receptionist.


* Female, minimum D3 Secretary, preferable S1 from reputable University
* Minimum 3 years Experience in the same field
* Good Communication skill, high motivation and able to work under
* Computer Literate
* English is a must

To apply please send your CV and recent photograph (Not more than 100kb) to
asiaserv_office@ indo.net. id or send to PO BOX 1042 JKS12010.

Lowongan : Teknisi Laboratorium

Dibutuhkan cepat
(Lowongan ditutup tanggal 25 Juni 2009)


Pria, Maks. 30 tahun
Pendidikan Min. D3 Teknik elektro
Pengalaman min. 1 tahun
Tugas Utama :
- Repair & Service alat-alat laboratorium
Lokasi Kerja : Kelapa Gading

Kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran Anda ke :

Human Resources Department
Jl. Danau Indah Selatan Blok B9 / 11 Sunter Jaya II
Jakarta Utara 14350
Telp. 021 - 32006504
By email : hrd_jmt@yahoo. com / recruitment@ jmt.co.id
Walk Interview Senin - Jumat pkl 08.00 s/d 15.00 WIB
( cantumkan “ Teknisi “ pada subjek email atau pada pojok kiri surat lamaran)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Finance/Accounting/Tax Staff - Vacancy

PT Eins Trend is an export oriented PMA garment manufacturer which based on bonded zone at Sadang, Purwakarta. Currently we are seeking a qualified person to fill the Finance/Accounting
Staff position with the following responsibilities:
  • Responsible in all finance/accounting activities as well as generaladministration and accounts reconciliation and other regular reports
  • Maintain good relationship with colleagues
  • Verifies validity, completeness, accuracy of document processing
  • Report to the superior (Finance/Accounting /tax supervisor )
S/he should :
  • willing to work at Purwakarta
  • able to communicate in english (oral and written)
  • having experince several years in the field of Finance. Experienced garment related industry will be preferred
  • Preferred age not more than 30 years
  • having at least bachelor/S1 degree infinance/accounting/ commerce/ business- law graduated from recognised University with good appreciation.
  • computer literacy, especially in MS-Excel/MS- Office, and accounting application
  • strong knowledge in finance, accounting and taxation. Having tax certification (Brevet B. Brevet C) will be preferred.
  • good problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to detail
  • result oriented and able to work under pressure
If you meet the criteria above, please submit your application attached with current CV, expected salary and new photo to:

PT Eins Trend
Attn. Recruitment Center
Jl Raya Sadang Subang,
Desa Cikumpay, Cempaka
Purwakarta, Jawa Barat

or via email (with format PDF or MS-Word ):
Eins.recruit@ gmail.com

Not later than two weeks after this ad.
Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for further recruitment

Finance/Accounting/Tax Staff - Vacancy

PT Eins Trend is an export oriented PMA garment manufacturer which based on bonded zone at Sadang, Purwakarta. Currently we are seeking a qualified person to fill the Finance/Accounting
Staff position with the following responsibilities:
  • Responsible in all finance/accounting activities as well as generaladministration and accounts reconciliation and other regular reports
  • Maintain good relationship with colleagues
  • Verifies validity, completeness, accuracy of document processing
  • Report to the superior (Finance/Accounting /tax supervisor )
S/he should :
  • willing to work at Purwakarta
  • able to communicate in english (oral and written)
  • having experince several years in the field of Finance. Experienced garment related industry will be preferred
  • Preferred age not more than 30 years
  • having at least bachelor/S1 degree infinance/accounting/ commerce/ business- law graduated from recognised University with good appreciation.
  • computer literacy, especially in MS-Excel/MS- Office, and accounting application
  • strong knowledge in finance, accounting and taxation. Having tax certification (Brevet B. Brevet C) will be preferred.
  • good problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to detail
  • result oriented and able to work under pressure
If you meet the criteria above, please submit your application attached with current CV, expected salary and new photo to:

PT Eins Trend
Attn. Recruitment Center
Jl Raya Sadang Subang,
Desa Cikumpay, Cempaka
Purwakarta, Jawa Barat

or via email (with format PDF or MS-Word ):
Eins.recruit@ gmail.com

Not later than two weeks after this ad.
Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for further recruitment

Customer Service & Mechanical Engineer

Air Liquide, founded in 1902 in France, is the world leader in gases for Industry, health and the environment. Our group employs over 43,000 employees in 75 countries. We provide technology and service-based solutions to meet the comprehensive needs of our customers from all industrial sectors.

For more information please visit us at www.id.airliquide.com or www.airliquide.com

In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in Cibitung and Cilegon. We are now have immediate opportunities for the right candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a career with Multi National Company.

1. Customer Service Officer
(to be placed in Cibitung - MM 2100 industrial area)

  • Your responsibilities include receiving customer's complaints, address and follow up the complaints to relevant parties.
  • You will be also providing support to external sales functions (i.e. doing telemarketing, responding to phone orders, general customer enquiries and invoice queries).
  • Ideally, you will have customer service experience in a medium size business for at least 3 years.
  • You will have clear communication skills, work well in a team environment and have strong computer skills.
  • You will also be able to take responsibility for all work activities and act professionally when interacting with others.
  • It would be advantageous to have worked in the Manufacturing/ Engineering industry, and your flexible and self-motivated nature will ensure your success in this role.
  • You are preferably graduated from Industrial Engineering or Communication or Public Relation School background.
2. Mechanical Engineer
(to be placed in Cilegon - KIEC industrial area)

Job Description:
  • Provide technical analysis and ensure follow-up on predictive data and identifies engineered resolutions to recurring mechanical issues at multiple plants in the company
  • Provide technical support to the field regarding the trouble shooting, inspection, and repair of Company's assets
  • Direct quality assurance of maintenance workmanship and procedures
  • Work in concert with the other Engineer Expert to analyze major breakdowns and collect data to report on cause of failure and actions to reduce or eliminate the chance of reoccurrence
  • Oversee the planning, scheduling, and material procurement for maintenance jobs and turnarounds
  • Participate in Element Important for Safety (EIS study) for major equipment, Vulnerability Studies, and Root Cause Analyses
  • You should a bachelor, graduate from Mechanical Engineering, fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Have some years' experiences in plant maintenance especially rotating equipments will be an advantage.
  • Abilities to make decision and take control of situation will be very important as well as posses' strong leadership qualities and be a good model for your subordinates.
Interested person should apply with full resume in English and a recent photo to:

HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Email: hrd.info@airliquide .com
(Attachment must less than 200 kb)
No later than 2 weeks after this advertisement

Agency Coordinator


Sebuah perusahaan Joint Venture Asuransi Umum membutuhkan beberapa staff sebagai agency coordinator dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:
  1. Pendidikan min D3, usia maks 35 thn.
  2. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan untuk mengkoordinasikan team, dinamis & energic
  3. Orientasi pada target dan penjualan
  4. Dapat bekerjasama secara independen & team
  5. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang Asuransi/Automotive /Perbankan atau instansi keuangan lainnya min 1tahun lebih diutamakan.
  6. Terbuka bagi fresh graduate
Benefit Agency Coordinator :
1. Gaji pokok
2. Incentive terhadap produksi dan recruitment
3. Tunjangan dan benefit lain.

Silakan kirim CV dan photo terbaru ke: rusdi.syarif@ lig.co.id atau ke rusdisya@yahoo. co.id atau kirim melalu pos ke :

PT LIG Insurance Indonesia.
Kebon Jeruk Office
Jl. Panjang No. 5B, Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11530.


Dibutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk menempati posisi
Syarat :
  • Wanita
  • Usia Max 25 tahun
  • SMU sederajat / D3
  • Mengerti Akuntansi
Surat lamaran, CV, ijasah terakhir, transkrip nilai, foto copy KTP, foto terbaru dikirim ke :

Ibu Koestiawati (HRD) / 0813 8600 9393
Kawasan Niaga Terpadu Sudirman, Lot 16
Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Telp (021) 5279381
Fax (021) 5279382
Atau email ke : koes66@yahoo.com

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Vacancy Acc Supervisor

We are one of the most reputable phamaceutical and consumer goods companies in Indonesia with ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000 certification. Now we are looking for a dynamic, highly talented, motivated and self driven professional to fill the position below :

-Male, single, age max. 28 years old-
-Bachelor degree from reputable university with IPK min. 3.00
-Having experience 2-3 years as Accounting Supervisor in phamaceutical / consumer goods company
-Good analytical thinking and able to work both in team or individu

If you meet all above requirements, please send your application before June 25, 2009. Give us detailed CV with a recent photograph and other relevant information to :

HR Departement
PT. Bintang Toedjoe
Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 2 Pulomas
Jakarta 13210

Lowongan Teknisi di Bintang Toedjoe

PT. Bintang Toedjoe merupakan industri farmasi nasional terkemuka yang sedang berkembang pesat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang inovatif dan dinamis untuk posisi:


-Pria, single, usia maks. 25 tahun
-Pendidikan min. SMK jurusan Mesin/ Listrik
-Memikili pengalaman sebagai Teknisi min. 1 tahun di perusahaan Farmasi/ Consumer Goods
-Bersedia bekerja shift
-Jujur, teliti, tegas dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan lamaran lengkap paling lambat tanggal 25 Juni 2009 ke:

Jl. Jend A. Yani no 2
Pulomas - Jakarta 13210

Friday, June 12, 2009

Vacancy - Litbang

One of the fastest growing media company (newspapers and magazines) is seeking for young and talented professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and challenging environment to join our team as:

  • Bachelor degree from statistics, mathematics or Economic, with minimum GPA 3.00
  • Able to use SPSS Program and other statistics applications
  • Excellent in Microsoft Office
  • Proficiency in English, both oral and written
  • Able to work under tight deadline and pressures
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ investor. co.id

Vacancy Sekretaris, Recruitment, Legal, Cost Accounting, Supervisor

Sebuah pabrik gula yang sedang berkembang pesat dan terletak di daerah Serang Banten saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional di bidangnya yaitu antara lain :

1. Sekretaris untuk GM (SEK) - 1 orang
2. Staf Recruitment & Training - Sarjana Psikologi - 1 orang
3. Staf HRD Legal (HRD) - 1 orang
4. Cost Accounting (FIN) - 1 orang
5. Accounting Supervisor (ACC) - 1 orang
6. Finance Supervisor (FIN) - 1 orang

Ada pun syarat-syarat adalah sebagai berikut :


1. Pengalaman sebagai Sekretaris minimal 4 tahun
2. Diutamakan lulusan Akademi Sekretaris Tarakanita
3. Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Serang Provinsi Banten
4. Pandai berkomunikasi dan menggunakan komputer


1. Pengalaman sebagai Staf HRD Recruitment minimal 1 tahun
2. Sarjana Psikologi atau Psikolog Profesi mempunyai keanggotaan HIMPSI
3. Dapat menunjukkan kompetensi penggunaan alat-alat tes psikologi sekaligus interpretasi ujian psikotes
4. Mampu bekerja dengan minimum supervisi dan siap ditempatkan di Provinsi Banten
5. Menguasai prosedur seleksi dan rekrutmen di dalam perusahaan d

1. Lulusan Fakultas Hukum dari universitas terkemuka
2. Memahami tata cara pembuatan dokumen perjanjian kerja, penjualan dan dapat memberikan legal opinion.
3. Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun sebagai Staf Legal
4. Menguasai peraturan ketenagakerjaan, tata cara perijinan, pendaftaran dokumen legal, pemberian legal opinion, dll.

1. Pengalaman sebagai Cost Accounting senior minimal 3 tahun
2. Diutamakan lulusan sarjana keuangan / akuntansi
3. Dapat menunjukkan kompetensi sesuai jabatan yang dilamar
4. Dapat bekerja dengan minimum supervisi dan menguasai penggunaan komputer program

1. Pengalaman sebagai staf Accounting Senior atau Supervisor minimal 4 tahun
2. Diutamakan lulusan sarjana akuntansi
3. Dapat menunjukkan kompetensi sesuai jabatan yang dilamar
4. Memiliki jiwa pemimpin dan dapat membawahi karyawan bagian akuntansi

1. Pengalaman sebagai staf Finance Senior atau Supervisor minimal 4 tahun
2. Diutamakan lulusan sarjana Finance
3. Dapat menunjukkan kompetensi sesuai jabatan yang dilamar
4. Memiliki jiwa pemimpin dan dapat membawahi karyawan bagian keuangan

Perusahaan akan memberikan paket kompensasi menarik bagi kandidat
terpilih berikut fasilitas antar jemput karyawan, fasilitas makan di
lingkungan perusahaan, tunjangan kesehatan via asuransi, program
pensiun, dll.

Batas waktu pengiriman berkas lamaran adalah sebelum 30 Juni 2009.

Lamaran agar dikirim via email kepada :

bsn@lc.vlsm. org

Cantumkan subject sbb. : Lamaran (JABATAN YANG DILAMAR)

Atau via pos kepada :

PO Box 6035 /JKPMT

Lowongan Asisten Pembibitan/Nursery Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

PT. Global Natural Resources adalah perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Untuk pembukaan kebun yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Kutai Barat (Melak-Sendawar) -Kalimantan Timur yang direncanakan seluas 60.000 ha, saat ini kami membutuhkan 6 orang untuk menempati posisi :

Asisten Pembibitan/Nursery

dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
1. Pengalaman sebagai Asisten Pembibitan minimal 3 tahun.
2. Mampu merancang layout areal pembibitan kelapa sawit.
3. Memahami teknis pembibitan kelapa sawit.
4. Memahami dan mampu menyusun rencana kerja dan anggaran pembibitan kelapa sawit.
5. Mampu memberikan pengarahan kepada mandor dan pekerja mengenai teknis pembibitan kelapa sawit yang baik dan benar.
6. Mampu membuat laporan harian, mingguan dan bulanan progres pembibitan kelapa sawit.

Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, Lamaran dan CV lengkap harap dikirimkan ke alamat email : seno@naturalresources.co.id

atau via pos ke alamat :
Departemen HRD
PT. Global Natural Resurces
Gedung Chase Plaza Lantai 11
JL. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 21
Jakarta 12920

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan dipanggil.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


PT. MBP Skill Indonesia

One of our client,is a Gold Mining Company located in Papua,urgently
looking for :


Requirements :

1.Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mechanical/Piping, Electrical/Instrume nt, Civil/Structure, Architecture
2.Min 10 years experience
3.Experience as a Draw Checker or Calculation for all discipline (Mechanical/ Piping,
Civil/Structure, Architecture, Electrical/Instrume nt)
4.Good in interpersonal skill, strong analytical and calculation, detail
5.Proficient in written & spoken English and computer literate
6.Willing to be located in jobsite at Tembagapura – Papua
7.Contract based for 6 months (contract will be reviewed per 6 months based on the performance and needs)

Job Functions are:

1.Working as a checker pictures & calculation for all discipline Mechanical / Piping, Civil / Structure, Architect, Electrical, Instrument)
2.QC engineer Engineering All the pictures will be in the calculation or check their accuracy before the pictures page in the IFA (Issued for Approval) or IFC (Issued for Construction) .

FIELD ESTIMATOR (Code : 211-50-02)


1.Male/Female, Max 35 years old
2.Bachelor degree (S1) in Civil or Electrical
3.Min 3 years in similar experienced record in Project Management and Construction Project (Constructability)
4.Able to use Ms.Office, WinEst and Primavera
5.Good English in both oral and writing
6.Willing to be located and working in jobsite at Tembagapura, Papua

An attractive remuneration package commensuration with experience
will be offered to the successful candidate.

Your application will be treated confidentially and only shorted
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your comprehensive
CV and recent photo & last salary to resumes@mbp- skill.com and quote the above
listed reference number of position.

PT. MBP Skill Indonesia
www.mbp-skill. com
www.mbp-skill. com/htm/jobs. php

Vacancy - Reporter

One of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and challenging environment to join our team as:

To explore news and keep the public informed about important events or news.

* Bachelor degree from any majored
* Have a big interest in Journalism
* Have experience writing articles in English or in Bahasa
* Creative and innovative
* Excellent communication skill
* Have a good mastery of English

Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ investor.co.id

Lowongan Staff IT di Bintang Toedjoe

PT. BINTANG TOEDJOE adalah sebuah perusahaan yang menyediakan produk-produk kesehatan dengan merek-merek terkemuka seperti : Extra Joss, Komix, dll. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang ulet, dinamis dan inovatif untuk posisi::

Staff IT
-Pria/wanita, single, usia maks. 25 tahun
-Pendidikan D-3/ S-1 jurusan Teknik Informatika
-Lebih disukai yang berpengalaman sebagai VB Programmer & SQL Server 2000 min. 1 tahun
-Menguasai hardware dan networking
-Jujur, teliti, tegas dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan lamaran lengkap paling lambat tanggal 25 Juni 2009 ke:

Jl. Jend A. Yani no 2
Pulomas - Jakarta 13210

Needed HR Junior Generalist

One of our college (foreign construction company) needed :

HR Junior Generalist

General Requirement :
  • S1 Any discipline
  • Have minimum 3 years experience in HR area (Compensation & Benefit, Industrial Relation, Recruitment & Selection,Organization Development)
  • Proficiency in English and computer skills
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Hardworker, Team Work & Self Starter
Please send your CV at the latest June 22, 2009 to email :recruitment@ HRD-Forum. com

Urgently Required (ACC & FIN Manager)

Urgently Required
A Construction Company specialization in Civil and Steel Structure is looking for :
Accounting & Finance Manager

Located : Karawaci

Requirement :
  • Female, Min. 33 Years Old
  • Bachelor Degree in Accountingfrom reputable University with GPA min. 3.00
  • Minimun 5 years experience in Accounting & Finance in Construction Company and in Managerial position
  • Has Knowledge in Accounting system, software, tax and financial analysis
  • Understand about basic Accounting and Tax
  • Understand about Accounting in Joint Operation
  • Familiar with Indonesian accounting standarts & taxation regulations
  • Mature, detail oriented and self motivated professional with excellent interpersonal and communication skill
  • Have strong leadershi
  • Fluent in English spoken and written
  • Have a strong discipline in working hour (absensi)
Responsibilities :
  • Manage all aspects of financing functions includingreporting, reviewing & performing financial performance analysis,consolidation, inventory management, cashflow management, taxaxtion, internal control, credit control and risk management.
  • Ensure timely and accurate preparation on monthly,quarterly and annual financial and management reports in accordance with the company regulation & procedures.
  • Develop strategic plans, budgets and cashflow projections with financial performance measurements and analysis.
  • Develop and maintain a good system of internal controls and ensure compliance with such internal controls, policies and procedures.
  • Assist in managing daily operational issues relating to finance and internal controls
  • Assist in tax matters and ensure all tax fillings
  • Assist in governmental and legal matters
  • Liaise with bankers, auditors and any other third party as required
  • Supervise, lead and develop finance team members
Interested Parties please send comprehensive resume and your recent photograph not longer than June 17th, 2009, to : hrd.construction@yahoo.com

with Subjet : Acc & Fin Manager

Urgently Required Instrument Engineer

PT. PROSYS BANGUN PERSADA is a leading Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, Construction and Properties is growing very fast in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction area, currently searching for highly qualified candidate for the following position:

Instrument Engineer

  • Minimum Bachelor degree in Physics or Instrumentation Engineering From Reputable University
  • Having Experience at least 5-10 years in Pipeline and Oil & Gas Project
  • Having Project Experience of Design, Calculating, Drawing of Instrumentation of Facilities, Regulating Station.- Knowledge of IT & telecommunication is an advantage
  • Willing to Travel as Required.
Please send your cv to recruitment@prosys.co.id

Lowongan Kerja di perkebunan kelapa sawit : KEPALA TATA USAHA

Untuk pembukaan proyek di Kabupaten Kutai Barat - Kalimantan Timur (Melak - Sendawar) seluas 60.000 hektar, PT. Global Natural Resources saat ini membutuhkan 3 orang karyawan yang akan ditempatkan sebagai KEPALA TATA USAHA dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Pengalaman kerja sebagai Kepala Tata Usaha di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit minimal 3 tahun.
2. Mampu membuat rencana anggaran mingguan, bulanan dan tahunan kebun.
3. Mampu membuat laporan keuangan kebun.
4. Memahami dengan baik proses administrasi kebun (keuangan, gudang dan tanaman)
5. Dapat mengoperasikan komputer.
6. Range Salary 6 - 7,5 juta (netto).

Bagi yang berminat harap mengirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap dengan mencantumkan gaji yang diharapkan ke alamat email : seno@naturalresources.co.id

atau via pos ditujukan ke :
PT. Global Natural Resources
Gedung Chase Plaza Lantai 11
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav.21
Jakarta 12920

Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil.

Vacancy Receptionist

Perusahaan Fabrikasi yang sedang berkembang di Cikarang membutuhkan Receptionist dengan persyaratan sbb ;
  • Wanita, mak. 23 tahun
  • Min. SMU/sederajat, matematika Min.7
  • Pengalaman kerja di Admin/Receptionist min 1 tahun
  • Menguasai bahasa inggris
  • Mampu pengoperasikan computer
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Berbadan sehat, Tinggi min. 165 cm, Berat seimbang
  • Domisili di Cikarang / Bekasi
Mohon CV dan Pas Foto terakhir dapat dikirimkan ke hrd@vortex.co.id

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lowongan kerja Askep Teknik di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

PT. Global Natural Resources adalah perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat. Operasional di perkebunan yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Landak - Kalimantan Barat saat ini dalam tahap land clearing. Kami membutuhkan tenaga untuk menempati posisi :


dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
  1. Pengalaman kerja sebagai Kepala Traksi di perkebunan kelapa sawit minimal 3 tahun.
  2. Memahami perawatan dan maintenance kendaran bermotor (sepeda motor, mobil pickup, dumptruck) serta alat-alat berat (excavator, begholoader, buldozer, compactor).
  3. Mampu membuat skedul preventif maintenance.
  4. Mampu membuat rencana kerja dan anggaran biaya traksi.
  5. Mampu membuat laporan harian, mingguan, bulanan traksi (pemakaian alat, spareparts, BBM dsb)
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, Lamaran dan CV lengkap harap dikirimkan ke alamat email : seno@naturalresources.co.id

atau via pos ke alamat :
Departemen HRD
PT. Global Natural Resurces
Gedung Chase Plaza Lantai 11
JL. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 21
Jakarta 12920

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan dipanggil.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


PT. MBP Skill Indonesia

Our client,is a Gold Mining Company located in Papua,urgently looking for :


  1. Min S1 Civil Engineer majoring in Geotechnology or Hydrology
  2. Min 5 - 10 years experience in relevant work
  3. Have skill in design of soil and rock excavations, soil and rock waste dumps and surface water drainage systems for waste dumps
  4. Capable with Autocad or Civil Autocad
  5. Knowledge and ability in English both oral and written
  6. Willing to be located in jobsite at Tembagapura – Papua

  1. Male/Female, Max 35 years old
  2. Bachelor degree (S1) in Engineering
  3. Has at least 3 - 5 years working experience similar experienced record in Construction Project or Industry
  4. Familiar with Primavera Enterprise (Planning & Controlling (PMS 101)
  5. Technical, detail oriented problem solver
  6. Good English in both oral and writing
  7. Willing to be located and working in jobsite at Tembagapura, Papua.
Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your applications with Update CV, Recent Photo and Last Salary to resumes@mbp- skill.com and quote the positions code.

PT. MBP Skill Indonesia

Job Vacancy as Exc. House Keeper at The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel

Management team The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel & Spa and is looking for a qualified, motivated,
Self-starting, career minded individuals to fill positions as :

- 40 year old with extensive experiences and proven track records
- Experience in 4 star hotels as similar an advantage
- Degree or Equivalent
- Excellent English written and spoken

For those who meet the above requirements and willing to be posted at The Jayakarta Jakarta Hotel & Spa Jl Hayam Wuruk No 126 Jakarta 11180 .

Vacancy: Web Develover

A Start-up System Integrator Company for retail and restaurant looking for Web Developer personnel:

Able to read technical document in English Able to write OOP and database (SQL Script)Skilled in writing C# or VB and JavascriptSkilled in either ASPX or JSP

Submit application and CV with your portfolio


Apt.Laguna Pluit
Lt.Dasar. Blok B No.58

Jl.Pluit Timur
Raya Blok MM
Jakarta 14450
Website: www.axilian. net
Email: hrd@axilian. net

Vacancy at Novotel Palembang

We are currently seeking for following positions:
Executive Assistant Manager (EAM)
There are many benefits and advantages in joining an Accor brand:
  1. Multi cultural work environment
  2. Dedicated training programs
  3. Attractive salary and benefits package
  4. A highly motivated team
  5. Firm commitment to the development of careers

Please forward your application (cover letter, update resume) by latest June
15,2009 to:

Human Resources Department
Jl R Sukamto No.8A Palembang
Phone : (0711) 369 777
E-mail: hrm@novotelpalemban g.com
Only short listed candidates will be contacted

Best regards,

Personel Manager
Human Resources Department
Jl. R. Sukamto No. 8A, Palembang 30127
Sumatera Selatan - Indonesia
Tel: (62) 711 369 777
Fax: (62) 711 379 777
E-mail: hrm@novotelpalembang.com

English Teacher

Butuh pengajar bahasa inggris baik permanen maupun freelance.

1. Minimal D3
2. Pria atau wanita 21 - 40 tahun
3. Memiliki passion dalam self-skill dan karier
4. Memiliki sense of teaching yang tinggi
5. Pernah mengajar

Kirim lamaran anda dan cantumkan :

1. Honor mengajar per jam yang diminta (bagi freelance)
2. Gaji per bulan (bagi permanen)

Jangan lupa,sertakan CV dan foto terbaru.
Iklan ini valid untuk dua pekan setelah ini.
Kirim ke SPEAK2SUCCESS Language Service via email ke :
info@speak2success.com atau info@kursus-bahasa.com


Our client is a leading global logistic company, operating in 28 countries is currently looking for a high calliber candidate to be posted as:


This position would be reported to Finance & Accounting Director.

Job Responsibilities:

Resource management
To ensure effectively staff and monitor resources in order to meet and exceed internal and external service levels at all times.
Credit Control Management
To ensure, manage and deploy risk mitigation of customer credit and the collection of outstanding debt from customers in a timely and professional manner.
  • Evaluate customers credit worthiness to support the sales process
  • Perform customer account reconciliation when required
  • Perform AR to GL reconciliation where not automatically performed within an integrated system
  • Ensure collection systems are maintained efficiently and accurately
  • Sign off bad debt write offs in line with Credit Control policies
  • To manage the resolution of invoice related queries and complaints from customers in a timely and professional manner.
  • Check the receipt of invoices by customers by setting up appropriate call cycles in relation to trading patterns.
  • Escalate problem collections to superiors and sales force as appropriate
  • Manage the relationships with external suppliers, such as credit rating agencies and debt collection agencies, by monitoring and maintaining agreed service levels.
  • Manage the collection of cash payments by field collectors in a costs efficient manner.
  • To support increase of payments by bank transfer by educating the customer on this payment method, including its benefits.
  • Negotiate with GAM customers billing and payment process and timelines.
Departmental and cross-functional process improvement

To cross-functionally analyse, agree, implement and monitor credit control processes and activities in order to continuously action issues and improve efficiency and effectiveness.

People management

To lead, motivate and empower staff through effective and open communication, excellent leadership, regular performance feedback and teambuilding, in order to maximise customer satisfaction, business results and employees' satisfaction.

Project work

To contribute to the effective rollout of Business Unit Administration or cross-functional projects, through contribution of professional expertise and leadership.

Work group activities

To participate in or support the divisional Credit Control Work Group activities in order to establish consistent divisional Billing practices and improve performance through process and procedural changes.


  1. Bachelor level from a high quality University institution
  2. Minimum 5 years working experience in a Credit Control environment within a Business-to- Business service or manufacturing industry with a strongly competitive market
  3. Credit professional certification (ICM or other recognised organisation)
  4. Strong communicator with good verbal and written English skills
  5. Very good people management, leadership and motivational skills
  6. Excellent customer liaison skills
  7. Project and change management skills
  8. Finance analytical skills
  9. Strong Excel skills
  10. Knowledge and experience with an ERM system, preferably SAP
Should you find yourself interested in the job opportunity, please forward your CV to rofika@cbn.net.id shortly. Please send it by Microsoft Word program.


A small group of company with various products located in Jawa Timur needs a
QHSE-coordinator (supervisor level). Our head office is ± 25 km from Surabaya.

Ideal qualifications are:
  1. Male or Female max age 35 years, Good Looking, Energetic, Good Personality, and Target Oriented.
  2. Minimum S1 - graduated from Technical or Management background.
  3. Familiar to make SOP according with standard of ISO-TS/16949, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001.
  4. Minimum 2 years experience in QHSE.
  5. Good understanding about Safety Inspection, JSEA (Job Safety & Environment Analysis), HIRA(hazard identification & risk analysis), AMDAL, UKL/UPL, SMK-3, Fire Fighting, Emergency Rescue & First Aid.
  6. Experiences to work with six-sigma, balance score-card, QCC, FMEA, SPC, and 5S, etc are highly appreciated.
  7. Having good communication and presentation skills to all level of workers.
  8. Willing to work hard, traveling, under-pressure situation, and long-working- hours.
  9. Good computer literate (MS-Office, Visio, and Networking).
  10. Good understanding of statistic and controlling documents.
If you are interested in and tough enough, please send
  • your application,
  • resume of your experiences,
  • recent photo,
  • current and expected salary
not later than 14 June 2009 to recruitment150@yahoo.co.id, with subject: Application for QHSE.


Premium Consulting
Kami sebuah konsultan HR Profesional membutuhkan dengan segera :

Persyaratan :
  • Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan SLTA/D3/S1
  • Berpengalaman mengurus perijinan ( Expat, HO, dll ) minimal 1 tahun
  • Komunikatif
  • Menguasai daerah Jabodetabek
  • Mempunyai SIM C dan kendaraan roda 2
Bagi yang berminat, kirimkan lamaran segera ke
Email : widodo@premconst.com

lamaran ditunggu paling lambat tanggal 13 Juni 2009

Finance Supervisor - Purwakarta

PT Eins Trend is an export oriented PMA garment manufacturer which based on bonded zone at Sadang, Purwakarta. Currently we are seeking a qualified person to fill the *Finance Supervisor* position with the following responsibilities:
  • Ensure all company€ ’²s financial obligation are arranged on time
  • Responsible in supervise all finance activities as well as general administration and monthly financial accounts reconciliation and other regular reports
  • Maintain good relationship with financial institution and vendors/suppliers
  • Verifies validity, completeness, accuracy of payment processing
  • Report to the Finance and Accounting Manager
S/he should :
  • willing to work at Purwakarta
  • able to communicate in english (oral and written)
  • having experince several years in the field of Finance, and garment related industry. Experienced in supervisory position will be preferred
  • Preferred age not more than 32 years
  • having at least bachelor/S1 degree in finance/accounting/ commerce/ business- law graduated from recognised University with good appreciation.
  • computer literacy, especially in MS-Excel/MS- Office, and accounting application
  • strong knowledge in finance, accounting and taxation
  • good problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to detail
  • strong leadership, result oriented and able to work under pressure
If you meet the criteria above, please submit your application attached with current CV, expected salary and new photo to:

PT Eins Trend
Attn. Recruitment Center, HR Dept.
Jl Raya Sadang Subang,
Desa Cikumpay, Cempaka
Purwakarta, Jawa Barat
or via email (with format MS-Word ):
Not later than two weeks after this ad.
Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for further recruitment

Finance Supervisor - Purwakarta

PT Eins Trend is an export oriented PMA garment manufacturer which based on bonded zone at Sadang, Purwakarta. Currently we are seeking a qualified person to fill the *Finance Supervisor* position with the following responsibilities:
  • Ensure all company€ ’²s financial obligation are arranged on time
  • Responsible in supervise all finance activities as well as general administration and monthly financial accounts reconciliation and other regular reports
  • Maintain good relationship with financial institution and vendors/suppliers
  • Verifies validity, completeness, accuracy of payment processing
  • Report to the Finance and Accounting Manager
S/he should :
  • willing to work at Purwakarta
  • able to communicate in english (oral and written)
  • having experince several years in the field of Finance, and garment related industry. Experienced in supervisory position will be preferred
  • Preferred age not more than 32 years
  • having at least bachelor/S1 degree in finance/accounting/ commerce/ business- law graduated from recognised University with good appreciation.
  • computer literacy, especially in MS-Excel/MS- Office, and accounting application
  • strong knowledge in finance, accounting and taxation
  • good problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to detail
  • strong leadership, result oriented and able to work under pressure
If you meet the criteria above, please submit your application attached with current CV, expected salary and new photo to:

PT Eins Trend
Attn. Recruitment Center, HR Dept.
Jl Raya Sadang Subang,
Desa Cikumpay, Cempaka
Purwakarta, Jawa Barat
or via email (with format MS-Word ):
Not later than two weeks after this ad.
Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for further recruitment

Vacancy IT Asst. Manager

A multinational electronics industry is seeking highly qualified professionals for the following position :

  • Bachelor degree in any related discipline, preferably from IT background
  • Male or Female, not more than 40 years old
  • Min. 4 years experienced in SAP application, SAP Technical (ABAP & BASIS) also SAP implementation as well
  • Have ability in server configuration and networking
  • Have IT managerial skill at least 5 years and experienced in IT audit (SOX) will be advantage
  • Service minded and willing to learn new technology
  • English proficiency in speaking and writing, prioritized Japanese
  • Strong leadership and managerial skills
  • Must be able to work overtime when required
If you meet the above qualification, Please send your brief resume (Ms-Word formatted) to : andrie.rahadyan@id.panasonic.com